She started Peregrine Coaching and Consulting as a way to combine intellectual resources, theological insight, and discernment into a practical service that would help real people.

Her goal is for her clients to experience transformative heart clarity, find the freedom to pursue their desires in alignment with their values, and discover the courage to risk stepping forward.

Peregrine Coaching

Caireen Likely is a certified coach with professional training. Academically minded, but attentive to the Spirit, Caireen holds advanced degrees from the University of Aberdeen (MTh & PhD in Theological Ethics) in addition to an MDiv from a North American seminary.

Meet Your Coach

Caireen is a Canadian transplant to Scotland. She lives in Aberdeen with her husband, daughter, and their rescue greyhound.

And she loves the mess of real life.

I spent months in frustration and disappointment. Then a professional coach helped me gain clarity on my gifts, desires, and the places I come alive and see transformation in others. Following those new insights and intuitions, I trained to become a professional coach myself and established Peregrine Coaching. 

Now I am walking a path that draws on all my strengths – personal integrity, theological rigor, and spiritual openness – and that allows me to help others find their own way into lives that are focussed, firm, fearless, and ultimately, fulfilled.

I spent most of my adult life pursuing qualifications which I thought would guarantee me a satisfying career. After achieving my dream of earning a PhD, I eagerly looked for that promised career to manifest itself. But it seemed like none of the opportunities or paths that presented themselves were a good fit. 

How Did I Get Here?

"My coaching experience has had a profound effect on my ability to pay attention to my true purpose. I entered the process feeling really stuck in some significant challenges in life and ministry - I now feel like I've learned to read my spiritual compass again, found my bearings in a confusing time, and have a renewed purpose aligned with God's will for my life."

Simon, Pastor

“Peregrine Coaching has enabled me to build confidence in myself and grow towards my life goals. Caireen has provided me with tangible, practical tools for the daily grind whilst also showing me how to stay grounded in Divine love. She creates space for all facets of the human experience with grace and encouragement.”

Rachel, Journalism Postgrad

“Coaching with Caireen has been a significant, providential, and just-in-time catalyst for unlocking and embracing a fresh, positive, and proactive mindset. Each coaching session elevates me from a stuck place, giving me hope and energy and real encouragement as I see movement, greater personal maturity, and real impact in my work and in the lives of those around me.”

Matthew, Cross-Cultural/Cross-Linguistic Missionary

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