I offer one-to-one coaching via the privacy and convenience of a Zoom call. But coaching is still an unfamiliar path to many people. Below you’ll find answers to many of the questions people have about coaching.

An unfamiliar path

I'm ready to be coached

The most basic reason people want to coach is because they are motivated to see positive ... 

The most basic reason people want to coach is because they are motivated to see positive, permanent change in their lives.
A coach is someone who helps you move toward transformation, growth, and personal progress faster and more consistently than you can on your own. 

Why do I need a coach?

I will contend for the truth of who you are. 

I will help you excavate. 

I will journey with you. 

What will you do as a coach?

I will celebrate with you, and cheer and stir you up when the journey is long and the burden heavy, reminding you of all the steps you have taken along the way.

I will ask questions, speak truth, and point to wisdom so that you can find the clearest path forward.

I will listen with care, compassion, and attention.

You have your own path to walk in life, but a faithful companion can turn a walk in the woods into a hero’s quest.

I will journey with you. 

I will help you hold the pieces that you uncover and discern the right timing and way to put them together.

I will bring different frameworks: a coaching method, an understanding of the human heart, and a paradigm of transformation, all of which will help you find the right places to dig.

I will bring helpful tools like powerful questions, observation, and discernment to help you make your discoveries. 

You have your own discoveries to make but the right tools can make the process of digging easier.

I will help you excavate. 

I will speak boldly with a prophetic voice – out of a heart of compassion and a sensitivity to the Spirit – and remind you that you are the beloved of God and as such you are someone whose heart is worth listening to.

I will create a space where you can be honest with yourself, embracing the deepest desires of your heart and facing your patterns of brokenness (including limiting beliefs).

I will make sure that your ultimate goals of growth stand over every series goal, every action step, and every new bit of awareness that is pursued.

You have your own destination to reach but having goalposts in sight can make moving towards transformation, growth, and maturity more productive.

I will contend for the truth of who you are.

What will you do as a coach?

I won’t compromise on what it means to be fully human.

I won’t be your counsellor or medical professional.

I won’t go along with destructive behaviour.

I won’t support short-cuts.

I won’t give you answers or tell you what to do.

What won’t you do as a coach?

You are the expert on being you. I can help you cut through the muddle and help you find clarity, but you must discover your own answers.

I won’t give you answers or tell you what to do.

If “Five Easy Steps to a Better…” is what you are looking for, something that will paper over a few of the cracks in your life, then I am not the coach for you.

I won’t support short-cuts.

If we uncover something that is actively damaging to yourself or others and you are not willing to address it in some fashion, then we cannot work together.

I won’t go along with destructive behaviour.

Some issues need specialist attention. If we uncover something that I am not qualified to help you with, I will refer you to someone who is able to give you the help you need.

I won’t be your counsellor or medical professional.

We have bodies that perceive and need to be attended to in order to grow and mature, emotionally and spiritually.

And we are intended to bringing order, flourishing, and newness to the world.

We have brains with a slow-track and a fast-track, both of which need to be engaged to experience transformation.

Humans are beings that are emotional, physical, and spiritual.

I won’t compromise on what it means to be fully human.

What won’t you do as a coach?

Come to our sessions curious. 

Come to our sessions open.

What do I need to do?

Be open to the possibility of things changing (yourself, your perspective, your circumstances) and becoming unstuck.

Be open to surrendering both control and apathy; and be open to stepping into agency, into taking responsible action.

Be open to learning new things about yourself.

Be open to the challenge of being honest and asking yourself honest (and maybe hard) questions.

Come to our sessions open.

And be curious about what God might say.

Be curious about your purpose and about new opportunities for growth. 

Be curious about what new patterns of response and new actions might arise. 

Be curious about your emotions and desires, and how they are embodied – what they even are, their roots, and how they are manifesting in your actions and being. 

Be curious about what you are going to discover about yourself. 

Come to our sessions curious. 

What do I need to do?

Thinking about coaching, but not sure if it would really help? Try a quick self-check quiz.

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